Maintenance, Repair & Upgrade
Let’s talk. Just as a medical doctor would want to know all your symptoms, we want to know all about your computer system and what you see as the symptoms and issues. That requires much listening, which we enjoy doing. Many ideas of what might be wrong could leap into your mind, but it will be better if we know about all your concerns and strive to address them as completely as possible.
What helps quite a bit is keeping pen and paper on your desk and writing down all the issues, questions, and concerns before a service call. That way, we can address each individually, hopefully missing none. You will find nothing more frustrating than to remember one more item after your service call is over.
Once we’ve reviewed all your concerns, it’s time to evaluate the computer or the auxiliary devices. We will troubleshoot your hardware and software, looking for anything to improve performance. We might suggest additional repairs or advise you if we think you should consider upgrades.
Most of all, we want to ensure that all your concerns get addressed. That you believe we are intently listening to you. That we give you the best IT experience possible. Let us know how we can help.