pc variety

Computer Services

Support Anytime, Anywhere

LeMaster Computer Services believes a computer business is not about computers, it’s about the customer. One can have all the degrees and certifications, but if you forget about the people, you’ve lost the core meaning of what business is all about.



Setup, Install & Migration

If taking a computer off the shelf at a big store won’t give you the system you desire, consider having a custom computer system built for you.


PC Concierge

Customer Centric Services

LeMaster Computer Services was founded in 1993 by Rich LeMaster with the belief that all clients deserve the best service possible. Since then, they have treated every customer like part of the LeMaster family.

When it comes to computers and networks,
LeMaster has a solution for every level of use.
You don’t have to ever be frustrated again.


Small Business
Computer Services


Mobile IT

Maintenance, Repair & Upgrade

Let’s talk. Just as a medical doctor would want to know all your symptoms, we want to know all about your computer system and what you see as the symptoms and issues. That requires a lot of listening on our part, which we enjoy doing. Many ideas could leap to…

New System Setup

The easiest, most efficient way to keep your computer system running smoothly is to start from the beginning—with the setup of your new machine and/or system. We’ll make sure you are connected to the Internet and install the security systems you’ll need to safely surf the Web. We’ll connect your…

Virus Spyware & Removal

To keep your computer running as smoothly as possible, make sure you have a good antivirus program installed—it’s one of the most important things you can do for your machine. It should be purchased when you first set up your system. Don’t blindly rely on the free trials that might…

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